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 History of Java:-

Java programming language was developed by James Gosling and his teams from 1991 to 1995 under the Sun microsystem company. initially, java was named  OAK but oak was reserved hence it renamed  Java. java language is an enhancement of C and C++ language.  

Unique features of Java programming Languages:-

Java Programming language provides better 

1) Security

2) Reusability

3) Accessibility

4) Dynamic memory allocation (RAM) for real-time applications.

5)  Multithreading

6)  Distributed

7) Garbage collector for automatic memory management

8)  Remote programming using RMI

9)  Network Support

10)  Best processing speed under server and operating system.

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Java is Platform dependent or Independent?

Java programming language is an operating system independent language because java program will be executed by JVM, not by the operating system.

When we compile Java Program code then it will convert into byte code by Java compiler, Byte code will be executed by JVM (Java Virtual Machine), not by the operating system hence JAVA Byte Code is Operating System free.

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